So there are a few things here and a few things there coming at you at a million centimeters an hour. Zoom!
That's not really a whole lot too fast. Zoom.
First of all...I took some dope from someone because I was jonesing it so bad that I just needed it. Just in case I couldn't get it at home. Do not fret my friend,
I will put some more back where I got it from. Sorry man. But! if you didn't notice then good. Perfect. It wasn't much anyway. And it was pretty weak shit too. I mean is. Perfectly plain. Thank you too.
I just saw John Frusciante. He was just browsing. Oh well. I kinda wanted his autograph, but he was too busy NOT saying goodbye to me as he walked out the door.
At least he knows how to greet hello with his hand. I can handle that. When someone doesn't say hi or hello or anything else, I get bummed out on 'em. Why not acknowledge someone that is there? Why Not?
He's got that (Hello Hand). Plus a few cool looking guitars and some pretty killer sounds whether you dig it or not. I dig that group. All the way up to BloodSugarSexMagic or whatever order that goes. Californication has some good tunes except for the title track. Yikes.
But they do mention Cobain, so that's okay.
And Guess What:
There are only two major labels left. Warner and Sony BGM or something like that...
and Warner has only one act that keeps them afloat and that is The Red Hot Chili Peppers and their contract ends next year. That'll be the end of WB. Could be a goodie. Maybe "The Chill Peps" (as kids call them these days. What happened to The Peppers? Did Chad Muska influence your youth? What's he up to?) Any how could the Peppinos put out a sonic record on their own label? Or start one and put out weird shit? Or, good shit? Or shit shit. Either way, shit is shit and even shit has to shit's.
Christmas was good. We got it off for more than 18 hours straight. Banana peel!
Point me at the scenery!
I just got some new to me old to the world speakers from my window mate Tasty Dave.
Sansui SP95 (or something close to that number) that rock and rule. The look is pure beauty and the sound is smooth and so warm. There is a volume control on the speakers themselves. Ouch! Boom boom boom. I blew the last pair OUT the night Obama won the election, but it wasn't because of that. It was because we were happy that everyone was happy, so we cranked out some rock and roll from all over time and danced until the fat lady sang and then we danced to that. The next morning I put on Nirvana's Nevermind and I heard some fart like sounds in the speaker so I pulled the face off (hello Nick Cage. Or are you John Travolta?) and out fell the rubber of the rim of the woofer of the speaker of my room. Repeat once more for the other one.
So about a month and a half later, Dave and I are rapping words and rolling smokes and he notices the fucking shit sound and look (face off), so he gave me his baby Sansui(s). The old ones were Cerwin Vegas too. Dang. Oh well, they suck and these ones kill. Slaying sounds.
So as a result of the new sounds I can FEEL, I started playing some of the records that I spent alot of time with early in my life (years ago, but not that long ago) ... such as Sail Away, Blonde On Blonde, Hi Fi Snock Uptown, Nilsson Sings Newman, The Static Age and The Everly Brother Greatest Hits (more than those but alot of these) because Everything just sounds so D I F F E R E N T.
MOST OF ALL: The Velvet Underground and Nico. Holy Shit. You should really come over soon and listen to this Record with me. I am not at all kidding man. Man.
If only I had some Sublime. Just kidding. I never heard that stuff on LP.
I'm sure it don't make much difference. I had a tape. My friends had cds.
(Seth Rogen just walked in the store 12:37 pm)
Read Frank O'Hara, listen to The Everly Brothers, write about Love,
and live long as You wanna.
Love all ways,
Moses D. Rios December something 2008