Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Scam #5 (and a half).

I received this magazine in the mail from near the Atlantic Ocean.
The story is about the life of Hunt's Donut Shop in San Francisco.
A must read for anyone that lives in San Francisco and digs crime, history, donuts, doughnuts, the Mission and how the Mission became a central location for the Latin Community as we know it now. Jam packed with some of the best stuff I never heard. But that's every book for me, so I dunno...just find it and take some pride in knowing something about something that does not live anymore but once did.
This place had a sign that read: Open 25 Hours.


This is a nice smelling cologne.

Pure Pop For Now People #17.

The Pretty Things were (are) part of the bad boy scene in England. They were long hairs when the Beatles were singing covers and when the stones were doing Bo Diddly.
True: The Stones were bad, but these guys rivaled that. They wrote their own songs, made arguably the first concept record (SF Sorrow), had an insane drummer, ate acid, one guy had a big beard which was disgraceful to popular music, one guy had the longest hair in rock history at the time (arguable. See: The Barbarians), and I was told by my agent that they stole The Stones' notebook that had the Bo Diddly shit written in it and got into knife fights with Brian Jones. Brian Jones Stones is where it's at and where it always has been. Like Pig Pen and The Dead.
But, dig the Pretty Things if you have before. If you have not...hit a record store and get SF Sorrow for under $10.00 new. Or I could tape it for you.

Love All Days,
Moses D. Rios

The Rants...(Moses).

So there are a few things here and a few things there coming at you at a million centimeters an hour. Zoom!
That's not really a whole lot too fast. Zoom.
First of all...I took some dope from someone because I was jonesing it so bad that I just needed it. Just in case I couldn't get it at home. Do not fret my friend,
I will put some more back where I got it from. Sorry man. But! if you didn't notice then good. Perfect. It wasn't much anyway. And it was pretty weak shit too. I mean is. Perfectly plain. Thank you too.

I just saw John Frusciante. He was just browsing. Oh well. I kinda wanted his autograph, but he was too busy NOT saying goodbye to me as he walked out the door.
At least he knows how to greet hello with his hand. I can handle that. When someone doesn't say hi or hello or anything else, I get bummed out on 'em. Why not acknowledge someone that is there? Why Not?
He's got that (Hello Hand). Plus a few cool looking guitars and some pretty killer sounds whether you dig it or not. I dig that group. All the way up to BloodSugarSexMagic or whatever order that goes. Californication has some good tunes except for the title track. Yikes.
But they do mention Cobain, so that's okay.
And Guess What:
There are only two major labels left. Warner and Sony BGM or something like that...
and Warner has only one act that keeps them afloat and that is The Red Hot Chili Peppers and their contract ends next year. That'll be the end of WB. Could be a goodie. Maybe "The Chill Peps" (as kids call them these days. What happened to The Peppers? Did Chad Muska influence your youth? What's he up to?) Any how could the Peppinos put out a sonic record on their own label? Or start one and put out weird shit? Or, good shit? Or shit shit. Either way, shit is shit and even shit has to shit's.

Christmas was good. We got it off for more than 18 hours straight. Banana peel!
Point me at the scenery!

I just got some new to me old to the world speakers from my window mate Tasty Dave.
Sansui SP95 (or something close to that number) that rock and rule. The look is pure beauty and the sound is smooth and so warm. There is a volume control on the speakers themselves. Ouch! Boom boom boom. I blew the last pair OUT the night Obama won the election, but it wasn't because of that. It was because we were happy that everyone was happy, so we cranked out some rock and roll from all over time and danced until the fat lady sang and then we danced to that. The next morning I put on Nirvana's Nevermind and I heard some fart like sounds in the speaker so I pulled the face off (hello Nick Cage. Or are you John Travolta?) and out fell the rubber of the rim of the woofer of the speaker of my room. Repeat once more for the other one.
So about a month and a half later, Dave and I are rapping words and rolling smokes and he notices the fucking shit sound and look (face off), so he gave me his baby Sansui(s). The old ones were Cerwin Vegas too. Dang. Oh well, they suck and these ones kill. Slaying sounds.
So as a result of the new sounds I can FEEL, I started playing some of the records that I spent alot of time with early in my life (years ago, but not that long ago) ... such as Sail Away, Blonde On Blonde, Hi Fi Snock Uptown, Nilsson Sings Newman, The Static Age and The Everly Brother Greatest Hits (more than those but alot of these) because Everything just sounds so D I F F E R E N T.

MOST OF ALL: The Velvet Underground and Nico. Holy Shit. You should really come over soon and listen to this Record with me. I am not at all kidding man. Man.
If only I had some Sublime. Just kidding. I never heard that stuff on LP.
I'm sure it don't make much difference. I had a tape. My friends had cds.

(Seth Rogen just walked in the store 12:37 pm)

Read Frank O'Hara, listen to The Everly Brothers, write about Love,
and live long as You wanna.

Love all ways,

Moses D. Rios December something 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Text Messaging with Moses.

Colby and I spent this past Sunday eating acid and discussing the smaller things in life, which turn out to be pretty big in the end (which is also the beginning).
So I sent out a text message to a few friends while he was in the toilet.

Moses 6:03pm- I am listening to Minor Threat with Colby and we are eating Acid.


Ryan 6:10pm- Damn I'm jels. I have to dj a birthday party tonight. Ughh. I'll play some punk wishing I was out of it with the dudes.

Jeff Brummett 6:15pm- Whoa man not exactly straight edge. Be safe.

Jessica Soulen 6:20pm- I wish I was doing acid with Colby right now.

Kelley Stoltz 6:22pm- There are the Salad Days.

Amy Baxter 6:29pm- I wish I was there. That sounds so cool!

Erin Czeck 6:35pm- I am reading and listening to the rain. I may have a glass of water soon. I like Filler.

Nick Collins 6:44pm- Night at the Roxbury

-Moses Rios


Martin Puryear



Christopher Wool


Elizabeth Peyton


"What if I don't like the picture I get?" "Put it in the closet."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dave's Favorite Record.

Dave is my neighbor. We share the same view from the window.

I call this record the ultimate mix tape, because it is.
You could never make a better one.

-Moses Rios

My Desert Island Picks.

If I were stranded on a desert island
and I could only have five records,
these are what they would be.

Five copies of this Record.

-Moses Rios

Friday, December 12, 2008

Nobunny Loves You.

My room mate is The Urban Spaceman.

Nobunny Loves you.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tre Tre


Quotes #7

Overheard on the job while contacting a store somewhere in the South:

"That would be pretty for your mama. What is she? Oh, she's Lutheran too?"

Thursday Night: The Electric Book.

Turn it on at 10pm and let me be with you.

The Electric Book

Plot Summary:
The Abortion is a genre novel parody concerning the librarian of a very unusual California library which accepts books in any form and from anyone who wishes to drop one off at the library—children submit tales told in crayon about their toys; teenagers tell tales of angst and old people drop by with their memoirs—described as "the unwanted, the lyrical and haunted volumes of American writing" in the novel. Summoned by a silver bell at all hours, submissions are catalogued at the librarian's discretion; not by the Dewey Decimal system, but by placement on whichever magically dust-free shelf would best, in the author's judgment, serve best as the book's home.

One day a woman named Vida appears at the library's door. Although shy and awkward acting, she is described as the most beautiful woman in the world that American admen "would have made into a national park if they would have gotten their hands on her." Vida falls in love with the reclusive librarian and soon becomes pregnant, necessitating a trip to Tijuana, Mexico to secure an abortion.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sunday At The Casanova (reminder).

Rants (Moses)

This is our like, 200th post anniversary. I went down to El Chico to buy some Texas Oranges. I don't know how they got that name, but it might be clever? I just like'm.
Sonny Chiba is an amazing artist. Martial. Streetfighter is an amazing must see movie. It's filled with action packed everything. Sonny Chiba is essentially the first hip martial artist.. He gets some shit for being "sloppy", and I can understand ancient Chinese secret and all that shit, but he wasn't sloppy. He was just "sloppy".
He played a fighter that he created who was taught by no school.
He learned from the streets ie: travel, scrolls, banned old wise dudes, etc...
thus making him a super soldier of no discipline other than those of the old.
He's basically like the Harry Smith of Martial Arts. He's hip.
Rent Streetfighter. Or I could lend it to you.
Or you could get a copy for a buck on Polk Street right across from Good Vibrations.
I made an all Harry Nilsson mix tape for Mixing People. It's got some shit from everything pretty much. Even some songs from his "bad" records. Well, records without hits. Well, radio hits. Plus an Everly Brothers medley...and you know how I feel about those dudes. They are a big influence on Sleepy Beach. Also Beatles 2.
Anyhow, I made four Harry Nilsson tapes to give away.
That's the end of this rant. You see...if I don't type for a minute then that's where I end.
Also, I called this Rants (Moses) because it's not just me that rants. My friends do to. I didn't invent it.

Tonight At El Rio.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Rants...by Moses.

I just started a band called Sleepy Beach.
Yeah, I know...it feels good. Watch out for us.
If there were a computer that had a tape deck on the side, I'd be jamming it right now for both you and I, but somehow they got around that and make you have to pay for some chords to plug from here to there and vice versa, etc...
It took me a few seconds there (at etc...)(see above) to write down what I was going to call this column. JK. JK is like a State in that way ie:California is to CA, as Rants are to...I mean...Just Kidding is to ___. And You say: JK.
It's fun to type to music. Only because it's not fun to type to music.
I am listening to The Everly Brothers all night.
I recommend that everyone over the age of 20, be required to listen to The Everly Brothers at least one night a week. And that would be the bare minimum.
You see.
Shit...They are singing Blueberry Hill, and it makes me fall in love with this song.
But I'm sure I'll hear Fats doing it on the radio by the end of the day tomorrow, and I won't be in love anymore.
I sleep next to Dylan Thomas with His leaves, a train whistle, and The Trout Fisherman's Bedside Book.
I think that this is the end of The Rants pilot episode.

Fade Out.

ps: Watch Out For Sleepy Beach.
It's Beautiful.

Ps2: I just came back to this post to add a youtube video because I had initially promised myself that I would.

Meghan, Moses and Antony.

The woman on the left is Meghan.
She works at RVCA on Haight Street. Tell her I say hi when you see her.
I'm in the middle, of course.
Antony is on the right. Tell him I say hi when you see him.

There was another photo, but he had me cut it off and autograph it for him.
It's the least I could have done, right?

Monday, December 1, 2008

I can play an instrument and I've read a few books

"....the nude embarrasment of mid 90's white boy earnesty."

Lets hope this occurs soon because I can't get enough of this shit:



Quotes #6.

"I have split personalities. One is stupid, and the other one is smart."
-Zach Robbins


Frank O'Hara For Lunch.

My personal poet for the time being.


90 Day Men - To Everybody. noxious nostalgia ventilator

heavy & swollen adolescent memories droop with this one but you shouldn't be ashamed to dig quality indie rock, if that even exists as a distinctly antagonistic genre anymore - not french kicks on the borders PA system. these guys had one of the tightest riddim section pereniums in the business and make me miss the days of clean, bludgeoning pop compositions with painfully bold honest lyrics and unabashed art faggotry. this band served as a sturdy strait between my shifting interest/boredom of stock hardcore acts, finally ending praise of Fugazi and expanding interest into prog & psych. someday, a day to arrive soon, we're going to see a severe backlash against the current trend of poorly arranged effects soaked half cocks & moaning inarticulate vocals hidden behind oceans of reverb [guilty, thoroughly -ed]. when that day comes the nude embarrasment of mid 90's white boy earnesty will rise again. The video below from 2002 is unbearably cute despite already showing it's age but how can you not love a concept as simple as "hey sup? what's your favorite record?"


Thursday, November 27, 2008

John Prine The Poet.

Is this a traditional thing to do?

Thanks Giving.

This turkey in between two slices of Roman Meal is gonna be hella good on Saturday.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No more Vicodin, outside, ever.

this happened and i don't remember it.

more @ Chris Brennan's flickr stream. somehow he's everywhere at once, I.E. rad-nookUSA.




Team Repulsion is back only becos i'm now 99% lucid and in restored clear diamond mind view. that is, after a month of perpetual cosmic brain bending highness and epic self loathing at home with a broken colarbone and pharmaceuticals. either there or sucking in noxious blackkk spot on yr brain fumes from three blown amplifiers in my practice space. LYFE OV ABUSE. anyway now that the bleakest rainbow of immortal doubt '09 is forever cast over our heads in total delusion broke jones jpmorgan and chase annihilation time, we need some dumb shit LIVE shit, YOUNG shit, EXCITING shit, [ nonexpensiveshit ] to keep the day to day on the way. that means SHOWS. that means TEAM REPULSION. youth crews n shit.

here's what we got, smoke em if ya got em.



LUMERIANS are my pals but sound way better than just being my pals. get it?


Thee Oh Sees, Meth Teeth, Temptation, Wet Hair [ member of racco-coo-oon ], Peaking Lights [ members of numbers / rahdunes ] @ The Peacock Lounge, SF (11/28).

METH TEETH hail from the north and sound like sisters of mercy on exstacy on your little brothers' drumkit.

TEMPTATION includes the owner of my favorite clothing store - painted bird and one of the dudes from RAHDUNES. they sound like tender loins. highly sexual.



RAHDUNES might be my favorite bay area noise makers. features memebers of HEART OF SNOW.

and others are playing too. it's @ BAY AREA 51 @ 1661 jerrold street off 3rd in the bayview. all ages in a gated compound. dyope.


Monday, November 24, 2008

My trip to San Jose



Found some great shoes for $6.


My girlfriend spotted some vintage Moises Rios at Streetlight. I had some great scores. Vangelis, Van Dyke Parks, the first Sparks, Yellow comp, Oliver Lake, Grin, etc etc.


This was at the Caravan. It's a machine that serves Patron. I don't really get it.


Scandalous hynas were all over.

I'm really feeling SJ.


forget yourself vs. forget you then


Muni Quotes #1.

" My nigga...I'm fadedasfuck, my nigga."


Saturday, November 22, 2008

new inductee to top 5 flyers i've seen in my lifetime.

Recent Finds




I found a Monoshock 45 for $1 but there was no image for it on google search and I'm feeling lazy. However, I did come across this photo of Kelley Stoltz when google imagining the words "Monoshock discography." Kelley is a fantastic musician and friend of blogger Moises. The internet is a small world.

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