Saturday, December 6, 2008

Rants (Moses)

This is our like, 200th post anniversary. I went down to El Chico to buy some Texas Oranges. I don't know how they got that name, but it might be clever? I just like'm.
Sonny Chiba is an amazing artist. Martial. Streetfighter is an amazing must see movie. It's filled with action packed everything. Sonny Chiba is essentially the first hip martial artist.. He gets some shit for being "sloppy", and I can understand ancient Chinese secret and all that shit, but he wasn't sloppy. He was just "sloppy".
He played a fighter that he created who was taught by no school.
He learned from the streets ie: travel, scrolls, banned old wise dudes, etc...
thus making him a super soldier of no discipline other than those of the old.
He's basically like the Harry Smith of Martial Arts. He's hip.
Rent Streetfighter. Or I could lend it to you.
Or you could get a copy for a buck on Polk Street right across from Good Vibrations.
I made an all Harry Nilsson mix tape for Mixing People. It's got some shit from everything pretty much. Even some songs from his "bad" records. Well, records without hits. Well, radio hits. Plus an Everly Brothers medley...and you know how I feel about those dudes. They are a big influence on Sleepy Beach. Also Beatles 2.
Anyhow, I made four Harry Nilsson tapes to give away.
That's the end of this rant. You see...if I don't type for a minute then that's where I end.
Also, I called this Rants (Moses) because it's not just me that rants. My friends do to. I didn't invent it.

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