(This is a text message conversation with a man who's number I learned off of a bathroom wall.
It read "For a good time call ___-____.") No name was listed.
Moises Domingo Rios 4:46 pm- What is a good time? I may want one.
Anonymous 4:53 pm- whos this
Moises Domingo Rios 4:54 pm- This is Moises. I found your number while I was
pissing on the wall. You beat me to it.
Anonymous 4:57 pm- what do you want
Moises Domingo Rios 4:58- I was wondering what you are offering as a "good time".
Did you mean to leave out the question mark?
Anonymous 5:05 pm- anything you want im all horny
Moises Domingo Rios 5:07 pm- I'm not interested in sex stuff. More like a good time.
Anonymous 5:13 pm- my stuff is a good time you are a faget
Moises Domingo Rios 5: 15 pm- You can't spell, you can't fly, and you can't get get a credit card.
I didn't mean to waste your time. Do you like pizza?
(More text message tornadoes and cellular reign to come. Stay in your basements.)
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