I've got a good case of The Stone right now.
Kinda like a good pack of baseball cards. There's gonna be a few typos and bench warmers, but there should be a rookie card in here or there that will be worth something some day. Except maybe if they'll just end up being a bunch of bums or maybe if they get lucky (and you will be considered too) they may just die and be immortalized like James Dean or Kurt). Yeah man, I left his last name out. The same way that hippies say Jimi or Bob or Bob Or Jerry. Do you know both Bob's? Yeah you got it.
Now we are here. Fucking Iggy kills. "Real cool time....a real cool time!!!"!!!
I'm putting out an Everly Brothers zine pretty soon. If you wanna submit something anything to it, please bring a drawing or some shit you would rather do instead to me at Recycled Records soon because I am getting tired of stretching out this really cool run on sentence. Put some shades on that baby, he's cool. Real cool. And finally...back to "a real cool time... a real cool time".
I need to be blessed by you (reader) with a scanner. I know you got one kickin' around and you're trying to live small but can't help cheating. Pass it along.
Or even if it has paint on it or even a crack, it would suit me fine.
I heard that Spacemen 3 records are worth like $200 now.
I believe that. Everybody loves those guys. Freaks too.
The Fairport Convention trip me out when I'm high.

Currently reading:

This is a living paper. I can't elaborate, because I'm too lazy.
Suggested donation=$1.00. Sliding scale.
Contribute to the zine sooner than later. I'm working on an Elvis Costello one next.
The Meat Puppets kick ass too. They slayed live. Lane changing on the highway of life. That is them up at the top. Where they belong.
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