Colby 9:43 pm- What's doing?
Moises 9:44 pm- LSD and Pot.
Colby 9:44 pm- No way.
Colby 9:45 pm- I'm jealous. Where is it all?
Moises 9:46 pm- Every-where-here.
Colby 9:47 pm- I wanna cab trip it. I miss acid hang with the cosmos.
Moises 9:48 pm- Stay always up, up and above. We are here. You?
Colby 9:52 pm- A little drunk in your honor. Working on Genevieve's mix. I'd love to be in the clouds.
Moises 9:54 pm- Big Sky. the dog is asleep. Come?
Colby 9:55 pm- Enough sky for this kite?
Moises 10:01 pm- Look up for the answer. Way up.
Colby 10:11 pm- I found the answer in her eyes.
Moises 10:14 pm- What did she speak?
Colby 10:18 pm- Not much. A lot of grunts.
Moises 10:20 pm- You should make a wish for __________.
Colby 10:20 pm- Some cosmic home was uttered through a few Uri Gellered spoons.
Colby 10:24 pm- Made one. The water shed is free and clear.
Colby 10:45 pm- Can we split a hit tomorrow?
Moises 10:46 pm- If we can split an atom, we most certainly can split a hit.
Colby 10:50 pm- I'll be there.
Moises 10:51 pm- Manana, Banana.
(By the time you finish reading this, we will be ___________.)
First legal dose of LSD administered! :
(happy birthday!)
you'll be...dust particles.floating freely towards the truth.which is a damn good feeling. then you'll settle as the wind calms. still.
..sometimes this is what marijuana does to me.
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