Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I just got back from a 3-part European extravaganza.


Good things about Berlin:
1. Turkish food at 3am. Totally beats Sparky's any day of the week.
2. Bars on the waterside that are open 24 hours with dance parties that go on til 8am
3. "Badeschiff", the floating pool in Berlin. Sexy!!
4. The central visual landmark is a big disco ball being penetrated by a needle. Totally fabulous.
5. Berliners seem to be pretty friendly - actually, the friendliest people who found me weren't even German. I met people from Sweden, the UK, Baltimore, and Serbia...but there were plenty of sweetheart Berlin babes too!
6. Practically everyone speaks English, which is great because I'm lazy about languages
7. Hot men...everywhere
8. Currywurst. Like a hot dog + curried ketchup + curry powder

Bad things about Berlin:

1. 1euro deposits on your GLASS AT THE BAR. A great trick to make extra money from winos who are too drunk to bring their glass back, or sloppy drunks who love breaking things
2. Street names that are really fucking hard to pronounce. "Hello, I'm trying to find my hostel. Its number 22 on Schlesischestrasse". Yeah right!!
3. There aren't very many bar ATMs. Call me spoiled, call me lazy - but this is totally problematic!
4. The streets seem to be made of a different material or cobblestone width every couple of feet. Berlin streets eat high heels! Beware!
5. My US citizenship won't let me live there! So unfair!

Good thing #4: Soooo fabulous

good thing #5: My new friend Michael from Baltimore

Good thing #2: Coked out Italians at Bar25 at 7am

Bad thing #2: Where the fuck are we?

Good thing #3: Badeschiff

xo zana

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